Present: As for the Annual Parish Meeting
- Election of Chairman: Gill Wilton stood down and was unanimously elected Chairman. Proposed SM, seconded CP. Charlie Penrose was elected Vice-Chairman, proposed BR seconded GW.
- Co-option of new Parish Councillor: Stephen Francis was unanimously elected, proposed SM, seconded CP. SF joined the Council meeting.
- Declarations of Interest: none
Cllrs Saul Penfold:
- a) SP told the meeting that the Lib Dems and all opposition groups at County Hall had walked out of the Full Council meeting on 11th April in protest at the administration’s decision not to award holiday meal vouchers to eligible children and not to allow an emergency debate on the issue at Council. The Lib Dems had also boycotted the Chairman`s Civic Reception.
- b) The Conservative group at NCC has abolished the role of member champion for mental health, which in the past was a cross party appointment, as all member champions were. All opposition groups opposed the abolition of this role. It was particularly hard hitting when Norfolk mental health provision has very recently been rated the worst in the county by the CQC, together with the ongoing effects of the pandemic on mental health.
- c) NCC was being asked to declare a climate emergency by SP at next Full Council on 10th May and he was bringing a motion to Council to this effect. He has asked school and college pupils for their input and opinions on this, which has proved invaluable.
- d) SP confirmed that he would pay for a new gate at the Hanworth Hall entrance to the Common (£650) from his Highways Local Member Budget (HMB). This had been ordered.
- e) SP could cover the cost of two grit bins out of his 2022-23 LMB.
- f) SP will seek more adequate notice on road closures, although the work was often contracted out, creating another tier of correspondence.
- g) GW asked if the cattle grids could be cleaned out in April, which is when the cattle come on, rather than in May.
- Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 2nd March: were agreed and signed by the Chairman, proposed CP, seconded SM.
- Matters Arising: had been dealt with above.
- Finance: a) The clerk reported a current credit balance of £3,660, no payments had been made in the current financial year. B) Audit and Cash Book. Both were approved and signed by the Chairman, the Clerk and BR.
- Platinum Jubilee: it was agreed that Jubilee tins, filled with biscuits, should be given to all children, mugs proving too expensive. The PC would pay for meat for the barbeque, SM hoped to get a donation of venison burgers. A budget of £250 was agreed. SM asked for a poster for Hanworth Church. SM would ask Gerard Stamp to design something (GW to provide details). Fliers would be put through every door. GW confirmed the barque was only for Hanworth residents.
- Update and review of policies. The following policies had been reviewed and were updated:
Data Protection
Financial Regulations
Risk Management
Transparency Code
Safeguarding Policy
Standing Orders
Code of Conduct and Privacy statement were signed by Parish Councillors
- Date of next Meeting: Wednesday 3rd August.
The meeting closed at 8.30pm
Present: As for the Annual Parish Meeting
- Election of Chairman: Gill Wilton stood down and was unanimously elected Chairman. Proposed SM, seconded CP. Charlie Penrose was elected Vice-Chairman, proposed BR seconded GW.
- Co-option of new Parish Councillor: Stephen Francis was unanimously elected, proposed SM, seconded CP. SF joined the Council meeting.
- Declarations of Interest: none
Cllrs Saul Penfold:
- a) SP told the meeting that the Lib Dems and all opposition groups at County Hall had walked out of the Full Council meeting on 11th April in protest at the administration’s decision not to award holiday meal vouchers to eligible children and not to allow an emergency debate on the issue at Council. The Lib Dems had also boycotted the Chairman`s Civic Reception.
- b) The Conservative group at NCC has abolished the role of member champion for mental health, which in the past was a cross party appointment, as all member champions were. All opposition groups opposed the abolition of this role. It was particularly hard hitting when Norfolk mental health provision has very recently been rated the worst in the county by the CQC, together with the ongoing effects of the pandemic on mental health.
- c) NCC was being asked to declare a climate emergency by SP at next Full Council on 10th May and he was bringing a motion to Council to this effect. He has asked school and college pupils for their input and opinions on this, which has proved invaluable
- d) SP confirmed that he would pay for a new gate at the Hanworth Hall entrance to the Common (£650) from his Highways Local Member Budget (HMB). This had been ordered.
- e) SP could cover the cost of two grit bins out of his 2022-23 LMB.
- f) SP will seek more adequate notice on road closures, although the work was often contracted out, creating another tier of correspondence.
- g) GW asked if the cattle grids could be cleaned out in April, which is when the cattle come on, rather than in May.
- Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 2nd March: were agreed and signed by the Chairman, proposed CP, seconded SM.
- Matters Arising: had been dealt with above.
- Finance: a) The clerk reported a current credit balance of £3,660, no payments had been made in the current financial year. B) Audit and Cash Book. Both were approved and signed by the Chairman, the Clerk and BR.
- Platinum Jubilee: it was agreed that Jubilee tins, filled with biscuits, should be given to all children, mugs proving too expensive. The PC would pay for meat for the barbeque, SM hoped to get a donation of venison burgers. A budget of £250 was agreed. SM asked for a poster for Hanworth Church. SM would ask Gerard Stamp to design something (GW to provide details). Fliers would be put through every door. GW confirmed the barque was only for Hanworth residents.
- Update and review of policies. The following policies had been reviewed and were updated:
Data Protection
Financial Regulations
Risk Management
Transparency Code
Safeguarding Policy
Standing Orders
Code of Conduct and Privacy statement were signed by Parish Councillors
Date of next Meeting: Wednesday 3rd August.
The meeting closed at 8.30pm