Minutes of a Meeting of Hanworth Parish Council held on
Wednesday 4th August 2021 at 7.00pm in Hanworth Memorial Hall
Present: Gill Wilton (Chairman), Robert Ranger (Vice-Chairman), Gill Catling, Charlie Penrose, Dee Holroyd (Clerk), Cllrs Saul Penfold (NCC), Cllr John Toye (NNDC), six Hanworth residents
- Apologies for Absence: Sue Francis, Sally Martin, Jenny Sackin.
- Any Other Business (Item 7 brought forward): GW thanked those present for coming. There was discussion on the pre-planning application on the adjacent to The Old Post Office, Norwich Road, Hanworth (Ref:IB/21/1796.
A pre-consultation had taken place. The developer had sent GW a plan, which was circulated. Local residents expressed concern that:
- The proposed development for up to 47 lodges and caravan pads, was on green field land.
- This was a treeless site, so there would be a detrimental visual impact on the surrounding area.
- The development would adversely affect the adjoining private house to the very great concern of the owner/occupier.
The Parish Council comments were:
- The impact of the extra traffic exiting from the site, via the Aldborough Road onto the busy A140. JT would ask Highways to look into this.
- The `natural lake` was situated on raised ground, requiring an artificial liner.
- The position of the site made it unsuitable for holiday use.
- Development might lead to the installation of a new roundabout, impacting on the area, which is of outstanding natural beauty.
Cllr John Toye, who is on the Development Planning Committee and the Built Heritage Working Party Committee, advised the meeting that he would look into this pre-application and discover why the Parish Council had not been informed. There is a current planning policy in place to discourage new tourist development in North Norfolk.
While it would be helpful for a letter stating objections to this proposal to be sent now, if a full planning application was put in, then the more letter received by the Council, the stronger and more effective the impact from the public would be. GW would write now.
The Hanworth residents left the meeting at 7.40pm
- Cllr JT gave his report:
Extra care housing/affordable housing had been built in Fakenham. JT confirmed that shared ownership houses could only be sold back into the scheme.
NNDC had bought 14, with a 15th in the pipeline, temporary houses to prevent homeless people from having to go into b & b accommodation.
Zero carbon houses had been built in Walcott.
The new swimming pool in Sheringham was delayed due to difficulty in obtaining materials, but would open soon.
Extra parking had been made available in Cromer (NNDC car park) and Sheringham (Beeston School Playing Field) with bus service to the town.
Wheelchair access to the beach was now in place with one changing area for the disabled and another planned.
A new director of Place and Planning had been appointed.The question of a second home being created within a private garden was discussed. JT confirmed that he could ask the enforcement officer to look at any such case without the need for neighbour involvement.
JT left the meeting at 7.50pm
Cllr Saul Penfold introduced himself as both a County and District Councillor for the Worsted Ward.
He advised the meeting that a Sustainable Communities Grant was still available with a fast track scheme for claims of up to and including £1,000. GW thought the Memorial Hall might apply for such a grant for solar panels.
SP had attended full Council Meeting on the completion of the Northern Distributor Road. This would have a detrimental environmental effect. Voting had been in favour, most of the two hunded million pound cost coming from central government. NCC would still have to raise forty million pounds, which could only come from cuts.
SP had joined the Norfolk Museums Committee. GW expressed her concern about lack of disabled parking at the Castle Museum. SP would investigate.
SP had joined the Audit and Employment Committees. A report on the census had shown a 97% response for Norfolk.
Poor Broadband coverage in Norfolk was under discussion.
SP confirmed that fly tipping was a County Council responsibility.
Minutes of a Meeting of Hanworth Parish Council held on
Wednesday 4th August 2021 at 7.00pm in Hanworth Memorial Hall
Present: Gill Wilton (Chairman), Robert Ranger (Vice-Chairman), Gill Catling, Charlie Penrose, Dee Holroyd (Clerk), Cllrs Saul Penfold (NCC), Cllr John Toye (NNDC), six Hanworth residents
- Apologies for Absence: Sue Francis, Sally Martin, Jenny Sackin.
- Any Other Business (Item 7 brought forward): GW thanked those present for coming. There was discussion on the pre-planning application on the adjacent to The Old Post Office, Norwich Road, Hanworth (Ref:IB/21/1796.
A pre-consultation had taken place. The developer had sent GW a plan, which was circulated. Local residents expressed concern that:
- The proposed development for up to 47 lodges and caravan pads, was on green field land.
- This was a treeless site, so there would be a detrimental visual impact on the surrounding area.
- The development would adversely affect the adjoining private house to the very great concern of the owner/occupier.
The Parish Council comments were:
- The impact of the extra traffic exiting from the site, via the Aldborough Road onto the busy A140. JT would ask Highways to look into this.
- The `natural lake` was situated on raised ground, requiring an artificial liner.
- The position of the site made it unsuitable for holiday use.
- Development might lead to the installation of a new roundabout, impacting on the area, which is of outstanding natural beauty.
Cllr John Toye, who is on the Development Planning Committee and the Built Heritage Working Party Committee, advised the meeting that he would look into this pre-application and discover why the Parish Council had not been informed. There is a current planning policy in place to discourage new tourist development in North Norfolk.
While it would be helpful for a letter stating objections to this proposal to be sent now, if a full planning application was put in, then the more letter received by the Council, the stronger and more effective the impact from the public would be. GW would write now.
The Hanworth residents left the meeting at 7.40pm.
- Cllr JT gave his report:
Extra care housing/affordable housing had been built in Fakenham. JT confirmed that shared ownership houses could only be sold back into the scheme.
NNDC had bought 14, with a 15th in the pipeline, temporary houses to prevent homeless people from having to go into b & b accommodation.
Zero carbon houses had been built in Walcott.
The new swimming pool in Sheringham was delayed due to difficulty in obtaining materials, but would open soon.
Extra parking had been made available in Cromer (NNDC car park) and Sheringham (Beeston School Playing Field) with bus service to the town.
Wheelchair access to the beach was now in place with one changing area for the disabled and another planned.
A new director of Place and Planning had been appointed.The question of a second home being created within a private garden was discussed. JT confirmed that he could ask the enforcement officer to look at any such case without the need for neighbour involvement.
JT left the meeting at 7.50pm
Cllr Saul Penfold introduced himself as both a County and District Councillor for the Worsted Ward.
He advised the meeting that a Sustainable Communities Grant was still available with a fast track scheme for claims of up to and including £1,000. GW thought the Memorial Hall might apply for such a grant for solar panels.
SP had attended full Council Meeting on the completion of the Northern Distributor Road. This would have a detrimental environmental effect. Voting had been in favour, most of the two hunded million pound cost coming from central government. NCC would still have to raise forty million pounds, which could only come from cuts.
SP had joined the Norfolk Museums Committee. GW expressed her concern about lack of disabled parking at the Castle Museum. SP would investigate.
SP had joined the Audit and Employment Committees. A report on the census had shown a 97% response for Norfolk.
Poor Broadband coverage in Norfolk was under discussion.
SP confirmed that fly tipping was a County Council responsibilit
SP asked to be informed if he could assist the PC in any way. He left the meeting at 8.10pm
- Minutes of the Meetings held on 26th May: were agreed, proposed CO, seconded BR and signed by the Chairman.
- Matters Arising: none
- Finance: The clerk reported a current credit balance of just under £2,000. Once cheque £230,(clerk/0ffice three months) was signed.
- Any Other Business: covered earlier
- Date of next Meeting: Wednesday 3rd November at 7.00pm
The meeting closed at 8.35pm