Minutes of a Meeting of Hanworth Parish Council in Hanworth Memorial Hall on
Wednesday 2nd February 2022 at 7.00pm
Present: Gill Wilton, Sally Martin, Gill Catling, Robert Ranger, Cllrs Saul Penman (NCC), John Toye (NNDC), Peter Low, Tony Hadlow, Dee Holroyd (Clerk).
1. Apologies for Absence: Sue Francis, Charlie Penrose
2. Co-option of Member of Parish Council: All members of the PC agreed to the co-option of Peter Low. PL took his seat at the table.
3. Declarations of Interest Sally Martin, item 9.
4. Cllrs Saul Penman and John Tye: Cllr CT reported:
Council tax will be raised this year by about £5. Car park fees will also go up by 10-20p per hour (season tickets are available).
A plan for the environment is about to go before the Council. Miyawaki forests, which grow faster and absorb more carbon, are being planted. Offers of help always welcome.
NNDC is introducing a walking and cycling plan in North Norfolk. JT would ask parish councils for ideas for routes.
Cllr Saul Penman reported that NCC would probably sanction a 2.99% increase in Council tax. There would be some cuts to services.
A Highways budget of £10,000 is available to each County Councillor. HPC should let Cllr SP know if there are any Highways problems lying outside the normal Highways remit, which needed to be addressed. The gate across the road leaving the Common at the Hanworth Hall end needed replacing.
The expansion of North Walsham and the Local Plan. JT confirmed a new road connecting the Norwich Road with the Cromer Road and new infrastructure would be built.
SP was thanked and left the meeting at 7.25.
6 Minutes of the Meeting held on 5th May:
were agreed and signed by the chairman. Proposed GC seconded RR.
7. Matters Arising:
County Broadband: This was a way of bringing superfast broadband to all houses within a village. Installation was dependant on enough people signing up. CB were giving presentations to villages.
- Phone Box: Allowance had been made in the Budget for repair. The box needed levelling and re-painting. Tony Hadlow might be able to do this with assistance. GC asked about putting a defibrillator in the box. JT suggested a grant might be available for up to 90% of the cost. A defibrillator would require monthly checking and training would be available.
- NNDC Local Plan. Ten houses would be put up in Aldeborough. Houses were planned for North Walsham, Cromer and Fakenham, but would not affect Hanworth. Mark Atwell, Planning Policy Manager, NNDC would give a presentation. JT would find a central location where a joint meeting of the PCs he represents, would be held.
- Planning EF21/3478 SM declared an interest. The application was to rebuild Taylor`s Lodge, Gunton Park on, but slightly exceeding, the footprint of the original cottage. All agreed that that the PC supported this proposal.
11. Platinum Jubilee Celebrations: The meeting was closed to allow suggestions from the floor. Tony Hadlow suggested a joint approach from the Commons Committee, the Memorial Hall Committee and the PC and perhaps Sustead PC. An evening function was preferable and could be advertised on notice boards, on the church door in Gunton Park and the Hanworth Herald. A suggested date for a bar b q and bonfire was Friday 3rd June. GW asked for a meeting date to be arranged.
- Financial Report: the clerk reported a current credit balance of £3,000. The precept was due in April. RR asked for another signatory to be put in place. GC volunteered.
- Any Other Business: the path up Emery Lane had been registered.
Sewers: GW read a letter from Anglia Water. Possibly planning could begin next year.
Grit Bins. The one at the junction with the A140 would be removed. One could be placed outside the church, perhaps using money from Saul Penfold`s fund.
Sally Martin reported an improvement in behaviour of drivers in White Post Road, and mentioned the great success of the appointment of Heather Butcher, as vicar to Hanworth.
CAB appeal. It was felt that PC money belonged to and should be used for the benefit of Hanworth residents. No donation to be made.
- Date of next Meeting: Wednesday 4th May at 7.00 pm