Minutes of a Meeting of Hanwoth Parish Council held by video link on 2020 at 7.30pm
Wednesday 5th August 2020
Present: Gill Wilton (Chairman) Gill Catling, Sally Martin, Charlie Penrose, Jenny Sackin, Dee Holroyd (Clerk).
1. Apologies for Absence: Sue Francis, Robert Ranger
2. Cllrs John Timewell and John Toye: were not present.
3. Minutes of the Meeting held on 6th May: were agreed and signed pp by the clerk. Proposed GC, seconded CP/
4. Matters Arising:
a. Michael Barclay had kindly offered to mow the churchyard. The Parish Council will make a donation to the church in lieu of cost of mowing.
- Three new notice boards were needed, for the Memorial Hall, by the cattle grid at Hanworth Hall and for Gunton Park. These could be done over a period of time, starting with the one by Hanworth Hall.
- DC to follow up the enquiry about the legality of large sheds in gardens on the common.
- The cottage at the north end of the common had been demolished, despite objections put in by the PC. A larger and more visible house would now take its place.
5. Financial Report: the clerk reported a current credit balance of £2,000. The Financial Regulations were adopted, proposed JS, seconded CP. These would go on the website.
6. Update of Acquisition of Hanworth Common Telephone Kiosk: this was now the property of the Parish Council. Power was still connected but no request had been made to the PC for payment of the electricity account. Guidelines had been received from BT for future painting and glass replacement. The memorial hall would be a better place for a defribrillator, should one be purchased. The kiosk could be used for a second hand book exchange, possible with some shelving. Maybe the builders currently employed at the Memorial Hall, might do something. GW reminded the meeting that Hanworth Common is a conservation area.
7. Hanworth Parish Council – Adoption of Policies:
- Code of Conduct and Privacy Policy: to be signed. DH would take round.
- The Code of Conduct would go on the website.
8. Adoption of (a) Safeguarding Policy: GW and DH were Safeguarding Officers. Policy to go
on the website.
(b) Risk Management Policy: to be agreed for dating.
9. Any Other Business:
- The Commons Registration: Possessory title was now in place, the 12 year period having elapsed. Full title will hopefully follow at on 7th The Memorial Hall restoration was well underway, the inside had been painted and second fix electrics were going ahead. New lighting, heaters and fire alarm were about to go in. New kitchen to follow. The old timber store will be demolished and a disabled loo put in place. The billiard room would be restored if finances allowed, with French windows overlooking the common. The new roof was completed and the hall had been underpinned. It should be ready for use in about four weeks. Costs had been about £169,500.
GW asked whether the exterior painting was complete. One top coat needed. Tony Hadlow had had help from various people. The fireplace
Was also nearly complete. GW suggested a gathering of local people to open the Hall, once it was ready. Tony Hadlow said £1,000 was available for such an event.
- The Notice Board needed to be replaced. This could be paid for from funds saved on the churchyard mowing.
- GC had attended a Zoom meeting with NALC. There was some funding available. GW suggested she sends information to Tony Hadlow.
- GC asked whether holiday cottages in the area were being let. GW confirmed the one next to her was. GC was concerned about health safety implications of people coming into the area. Maybe some guidance as to what any visitor falling ill while on holiday, such a telephone numbers, could go on the notice board.
- Hanworth Common was now in the Norfolk Magazine as a recommended place to walk. This could also bring in people from outside.
10. Date of next Meeting: Wednesday 4th November.