Hanworth Parish Council Audit year ending March 2023
Hanworth Parish Council Minutes 2nd November 2022
Minutes of a Meeting of Hanworth Parish Council held on
Wednesday 2nd November 2022 at 7.00pm in
Hanworth Memorial Hall
Present: Gill Wilton (Chairman), Robert Ranger (Vice Chairman) Gill Catling, Stephen Francis, Sally Martin, , Dee Holroyd (Clerk), Cllrs Saul Penfold, John Toye.
- Apologies for Absence: none
- Declarations of Interest: GW, item 7.
- Cllr SP: NCC have been debating finances. You can comment on haveyoursay@norfolk.gov.uk . There is a large budget deficit . Council tax will increase by 2.99%, less than was wanted. There will be cuts to services, especially in the areas of social and child care. Mental health and dentistry care in the county is very poor. Government grant has been cut. A question about the NCC assets was asked, some being either empty or in a poor state of repair. Some are being sold.
SP confirmed that his Highways allowance would pay for the new gate by the Hanworth Hall entrance and two new grit bins. He would confirm whether these would be sourced by NCC or the Parish Council.
SP confirmed that some County libraries will become warm hubs.
Cllr JT would circulate a list of warm hubs. NNDC were not going to raise Council Tax.
Nothing further had been heard about the access created to the land beside the Memorial Hall on Hanworth Common. JT would update the council.
- Funding for a Warm Hub: GW had declared an interest and BR took the chair. GW would like to create a warm hub in the now warm Memorial Hall. Baked potatoes and soup and would be served and it would be open to residents of Aldeborough, Alby, Thwaite, Metton and Hanworth. A pick up service could be provided. The warm hub would take place weekly on a Wednesday GW had applied for a grant but in the mean time asked whether the PC would fund the first two days.
SP reminded the meeting that a fast track Sustainable Communities grant of up to £1,000 was available. He advised applying for less than £1,000. In the meantime £150 was agreed by the Council as a start. Proposed SF, seconded SM. All agreed.
- Minutes of the Meetings held on 3rd August: were agreed and signed by the Chairman. Proposed SM, seconded SF.
- Matters Arising:
New gate to the Common, see item 3.
Phone box repainting – was in hand
Churchyard donation – £400 was agreed
Defibrillator – Nicky Cuthill had done a brilliant job of fund raising and the defibrillator had been purchased. Two guardians were needed. One was in place. All would hopefully be ready in time for the warm hub. DH to write to Nicky to thank her.
Broadband for the Memorial Hall – funding is the problem. Running costs would be about £500 a year, so income to cover this would have to be in place. Without it, lettings of the Memorial Hall will be limited.
Work on the pond had slowed. DH to write to Simon Barclay to ask about his plans for the pond.
- Financial Report, Budget and Precept: A draft budget was accepted and confirmed that no increase to the Precept was needed, proposed GC, seconded SM, all agreed. Tree work was always an expense. A question was asked as to whether the timber could be exchanged for felling or lopping. There was no notice board within Gunton Park, but a request was made for relevant posters to be sent to SM , who would put them on the Gunton church door.
- Any Other Business:
Planning application at Kennel Farm, the Parish Council had supported this application.
GW would complete the Rural Mobility Survey.
The rule banning farmers from using red diesel if they were on a road had been overturned. This would have prevented farmers from being able to clear snow if needed.
- Date of next Meeting: Wednesday 1st February 2023 at 7.00pm
The meeting closed at 8.10 pm
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