Minutes of a Meeting of Hanworth Parish Council held by video link on Wednesday 4th November 2020 at 7.30pm
Present: Gill Wilton (Chairman), Gill Catling, Sally Martin, Charlie Penrose, Jenny Sackin, Dee Holroyd (Clerk)
- Apologies for Absence:
Robert Ranger, Sue Francis
- Cllrs John Timewell and John Toye: were not present.
- Minutes of the Meeting held on 5th August: were agreed and signed by the clerk pp the Chairman. Proposed JS, seconded SM.
- Matters Arising:
- Code of Conduct and Privacy Statement, two signatures needed.
- Completion of Memorial Hall restoration: This had progressed well and the outside WCs were now in place. Superfast broadband would be available and application for grants was in place to convert the rear, formerly billiard room, into one large room capable of division. With division of the main hall, this would provide four separate rooms suitable for hire by private individuals or business. A suggestion was made of asking the builders whether they could make a new notice board, the old one having been destroyed during hall restoration.
- Finance:
- The Clerk reported a current credit balance of £3,020.
- Budget 2020/2021: The budget showed an anticipated expenditure of £2,230, leaving an expected credit balance in November 2021 of £3,040. No increase in Precept was needed.
It was agreed that money on tree work had been well spent as no damage occurred during the recent high winds.
- Any Other Business:
- Act of Remembrance: Parish Councils can apply to the District Council for permission to hold an event subject to risk assessment and with only those who need to be there present. The original plan had been to bring people together. Tom Harris, Hanworth veteran, would lay a wreath. A photo to go on Whatsapp and possibly used to promote events in the future.
- Donation to Hanworth Church: Michael Barclay had kindly taken over the mowing of the churchyard. A suggestion of an outside bench was put forward but not supported as seating was available in the church.
- New noticeboard: GW to ask about local craftsmen and DH to send the link to a firm which made reasonably priced notice boards suitable for Parish Councils.
- GC asked about the relationship between the Commons Committee, the Memorial Hall Committee and the Parish Council. It was agreed it would be good to have a common member to all three. This member would have to abstain from any voting pertaining to funding.
The meeting closed at 8.14 pm